Monday 7 June 2010

Continuing to enjoy the BVIs

From Tortola we sailed across to Sandy Spit off Jost Van Dyke - it's a picture postcard island of sand surrounded by turquoise water -busy during the day, but empty at night. It is inhabited by some very aggressive birds who dive bomb anyone walking on the island - and has made for some very funny video footage! Then we moved to Guana Island - the very rocky bottom has stripped our chain of its last galvinising but it's a beautiful spot. Next we spent a couple of nights off Little Camanoe anchored in sand but with fabulous coral gardens to snorkel on. After an overnight stop in The Dogs (possible due to very calm conditions) we are now back on Virgin Gorda in Savannah Bay.
Nic has been working on our dinghy for the last 2 weeks, trying to glue it back together and it will only be ready to go back in the water tomorrow. (We've been very lucky to be travelling in convoy with friends who have ferried us back and forth.) We swam to shore today to walk into Spanish Point to check out - hoping to leave in the next day or so for St Martin. We discovered, from some extremely sullen and unfriendly officials in the Port Authority office that you are only given 12 hours after checking out so we are supposed to leave the Virgin Islands at first light tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

  1. I regularly visit your blog.
    Keep on challenging!
